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Sasha Sagan

Sasha Sagan

Sasha Sagan on Making Jewish Rituals Meaningful for Secular Jews

Sasha Sagan grew up in a house where the scientific method was discussed at dinner. But, as she was taught again and again: skepticism does not mean pessimism. We are all capable of finding beauty in our everyday lives, even if we don’t believe in a higher power.

If that sounds like some hefty topics for a first-time author to address, then, well, you haven’t met Sasha Sagan. The 36-year-old Jewish mom is the daughter of famed scientist and astronomer Carl Sagan, who died when she was only 14. Her recently published book, For Small Creatures Such as We: Rituals for Finding Meaning in Our Unlikely World is part memoir, part guide to rituals around the world, and part ode to her parents and how they raised her.

Read the full interview in Kveller.

Erin Morgenstern

Erin Morgenstern

Jami Attenberg

Jami Attenberg