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Joshua Henkin

Joshua Henkin

In ‘Morningside Heights,’ Novelist Joshua Henkin Returns to His Old Neighborhood

Joshua Henkin’s fourth novel, “Morningside Heights,” is the story of many things: a marriage, a changing neighborhood in New York City, an incurable illness, and love and families. 

The plot centers on Pru, who grows up Orthodox and meets Spence, a largely secular Jewish professor — he’s a young superstar Shakespeare scholar, teaching at Columbia. Pru is Spence’s grad student, but they fall in love, marry, and have a daughter. In his 50s, Spence starts becoming forgetful, and is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s. The novel, then, hinges on the question: What happens when the person you married becomes a different person?

Henkin himself grew up in Morningside Heights; his father, the professor and human rights law scholar Louis Henkin, provided the emotional impetus for the novel; he died at 92 after his own battle with Alzheimer’s. In a wide-ranging conversation, we spoke about the need for writing emotionally autobiographical fiction, growing up in New York City, his father’s view of Judaism as a “Reform Orthodox Jew,” and how there shouldn’t be easy takeaways or messages from fiction.

Read the conversation at New York Jewish Week

Or, You can watch it here on My Jewish Learning’s YouTube.

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Qian Julie Wang

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