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In Anna North’s version of 1849 America, female infertility is against the law. If a woman cannot have a child, she is exiled from her community. Our heroine, Ada, is 17 years old and hasn’t had a baby after a year of marriage. Her mother, a midwife, tells her to escape to a convent before she is executed as a witch; soon, Ada leaves the convent and joins up with the Hole in the Wall Gang, a band of female outlaws.

I didn’t even process that Outlawed was an alternative history version of America until I sat down to write this, because it truly, unfortunately, doesn’t seem too far from our reality and history. In an interview, North said, “There’s a larger tradition right now examining, ‘What does the American history that some of us were taught in school leave out’ And I think fiction writers are starting to do that, too, in really interesting ways. Ever since I finished the book, I’ve been blown away by this cool emerging tradition that I didn’t even necessarily know about when I was writing.” I am very here for writing women back into history!!

Ada is a fearless protagonist, and one who is easy to root for as she tries to make her way in a world that is set against her. North’s background as a journalist who covers reproductive rights clearly shines through in Ada’s desire to provide healthcare (including abortions) to women. If you want to read a story of women fighting for a better world, look no further. Perhaps we can all learn something from Ada and the Hole in the Wall Gang.

(Plus if you’re a read-the-book-before-you-see-the-movie type of person, Amy Adams is executive producing a TV adaptation!)

A fun feminist Western.

Rating: ★★★★

Black Buck

Black Buck

Detransition, Baby

Detransition, Baby